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Mathias Robert-Thomas
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Name: Mathias Robert-Thomas

Organisation: Matheus Corp.

Website: https://www.matheus.net/

Email: math@matheus.net


From an early age, Mathias began to draw inspiration from nature for harmonization lifestyle with this wonderful wealth that surrounds us. At the age of '20, he began to get involved in recycling household waste, while in the city, this activity was only beginning. Mathias find a healthier lifestyle will end up giving him a poke sends in research knowing whether to start somewhere, it has to start in the interior of us. And it is this inner strength that will be developed during his professional career to achieve be proficient in the field of research.

After spending long years of reflection and enrichment of his personal qualities, Mathias finally found a way that will make him realized his dream of becoming inventor, to leave the labor market in order to devote himself entirely to research in 2007.

At the beginning, his company was named "Atlantis Lab" because the nature of the research work resides in the aspect of finding unsolved mysteries of science. And because Mathias was very interested in history, he wondered if the legends were true. Although he never had the proof, but by cons it was nice to be able to question the old values, and the first idea that came to him was that the legends probably conveyed of sustainable wisdom. Although Atlantis is a legend, she reminded us that the world is fragile and must take care.

Mathias was born in ’1980 in Montreal in the province of Quebec in Canada. He always had the need to do great things brought up something good in this world. Poverty of his parents gave him the desire to solve problems. By viewing the movie "The Rocketeer," Mathias takes the taste to become an inventor. Although at the time the architecture interested him too, his dream to invent had to be realized one day or the other.

In the fourth year of primary school (9 years old), Mathias won the contest to the public exposure of his school. He then gained a lot of confidence in him in the arts, and talent so it was implemented at school and at home, and it is the arts that also predominate in how to design the presentation of his research in this enterprise. Art played throughout his life a big role, but he prefers to start a career in computer science rather than architecture.

Thus, the beginning of the research will be supported by a lifestyle always promoting continuous improvement. Many sacrifices of values have been made by Math to give way to value best quality, as passed to Vegan diet since 2002. Mathias has always had a style to want to invest in quality throughout: clothing, tools, food, furniture, kitchen accessories, office equipment, computers, etc. Wherever Mathias could put in quality in its work and in everyday things, and he did well. It is a lifestyle that is very difficult to imitate. It is also the character give this company that redid the bases to achieve results better qualities.

Math will graduate as a Computer Technician (Analyst Programmer), and so it will also complete a bachelor’s degree in finance and some studies in languages and researches in medicine. His passion and perseverance prevail him the success of his business with the implementation of several inventions, along with the completion of rewarding researches in several areas.


Year Name of the document
2007 Visible and Invisible Light
2012 The keys of physics
Circular mathematics
The profit
Gravity control
The power of Symmetries
2013 The strength of the Masters
The original grades
The secret of symmetries
The secret of Endless
2014 Do magic
The time element
The elementary rules
2015 The Great King
2016 The economy 1001
The economy 1002
The investment that suits you best
Replacement of timelines
The forces that reside in us
The forges of the economy
The invention of the game
The rage of the economy
2018 The grace given to the 7 churches
The formalization of faith
2019 Almanac 2020
The universal key of beauty
2020 No 1 - The CAQ eats the slap!
First phase to get out of the economic machine
No 2 - Mr. L’ego, a party and its sin
Nostradamus - Letter to Ceasar
No 3 - The CAQ is in the Lord's sights
No 4 - Finally a cure for ADHD
How to write a text
Kim Jong Un - Back to the sources
2021 Alarm in finances of the Churches
2022 The Scientific Journals
2024 The dangers of stigmatization
The duality of Heart and Intelligence
“Then a sudden ruin shall come upon them” (1 Thess. 5:3)
The Great Reversal
The Sinner, the Fool and the Last Judgment
The Why of Inequalities
Racist is a phantom expression
Towards a child’s heart
Anticipation that is too deep can become an unconscious trap
Number of links leads to intelligence
The misdeeds of “innocent” evolution
No 40 - Life has no direction, it always follows a path of destiny
No 41 - Openness and exclusivity at openness
No 42 - Truth at the heart of intelligence
No 43 - Light is just a mere particle and not the whole force of the Eternal
No 44 - Between foreseeing and predicting

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