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The time element

Time element
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The time element
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Updated: 2014-02-23

Created: 2014-02-23

Type: Document

Chapter 1 – Understand time as an element

The time is generally seen passively by people. Its existence is constantly questioned because time is not a tangible item, but it is not unless it's an item. This chapter makes obvious the existence of the element of time. The lack of serious research in science about the time could be responsible for some arrears, avoiding a lot of knowledge. We will see several aspects of time in this chapter, and tips to go faster searching.

The time was long neglected and we intend to make this element essential to all forms of research within Matheus. We start new analysis taking into account what will bring this document.

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1.1 Time seen under a hierarchical perspective

The hierarchy is a concept that takes into account several elements work together, so the time can be seen under a hierarchical perspective. The gear clock calculates the time, but somehow, if all the gear was conceptualized as a hierarchical diagram, we would understand that the way things are done, so all the elements can be integrated into within a hierarchical view.

If the elements that make up Mathiaser (atom) for example were seen in their entirety as a mechanical gear that shows hierarchically, we can develop better models of the atom. Time must be seen here as precisely this hierarchy. So time exists in this way, time is an essential element to create links between elements and thus make them work together. But this is just a short theory of time to see the place that time can occupy in nature.

The place that time occupies is the first thing that we must consider. The time is not the central element of a hierarchy, we will discuss further. Time is the origin of all things, so this is his place. The origin is that through all the elements, the origin recalls the general sense of a whole. The origin is the time. All elements of a set are always relative to the origin, and this is what makes life the time, which is why the time is everywhere.

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1.2 Space-time

Time should not be seen as a constant, it varies. Although we have learned to see time as a constant because of our vision clocks and watches, time is not as such. There are space-time that make vary the time. The space-time part of the time, so we must call to symbolize the fact that the time will be longer or shorter at times.

To perceive the space-time, think of waves. The sinusoidal shape (with frequencies) of the waves is caused by the space-time. Space-time exists even in the design of nature itself. If you take the example of lightning, lightning is seen the first compare to the sound. This is because light travels faster than sound, but we can see an example of space-time, space-time is therefore real.

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1.3 Time, indivisible element

When we return to the theorem on the hierarchy presented in Section 1.1, we must admit that there is evidence of the existence of the indivisible, like the time. Thinking, hierarchy, this makes us think that each branch of the hierarchy is an element divisible because of the existence of their pair at the same hierarchical level. If we also take the example of a point, it is divisible there seem to infinity. However, the only element that is not divisible in a hierarchy is the first member, the top element of the hierarchy of a pyramid. Thus, it reminds that many things have this indivisible element.

We saw in Section 1.1 that we can create simple to complex hierarchies with all forms of system, and each of these systems there exist hierarchical element that is indivisible. Although this element is not tangible order, there exists one way or another, because there is always something which includes, in some cases, this is the envelope that gathers all the other parties. In the case of the being, the skin may be the first item in the hierarchy.

We must think about finding the center (the first element of a hierarchy) of any system. So even a reflection on the clock, this is not the mechanism that is the center, it is needles.

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1.4 Bet to advance

Here, this section is dedicated to explain what is about risk that one takes when it comes to wanting to move forward. First of all, I assure you that the important thing is to build in a way, even if you lose sometimes time, other times you win, because you can not just waste your time all the time.

Those who bet go further than others. If you were waiting on the evidence, the evidence will come to you very rarely. At least having made the effort to bet in a way, you obviously made one step forward. It is doing step in front that we advance. It is not a big loss after all, it is risking losing time. It is certain that if you wait until after the evidence or information, you lose all your time all the time. Do not hesitate to bet in a pathway, to bet your efforts on something that could cause you to lose time, because ultimately you will not go wrong all the time.

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1.5 Bet again with new parameters

People stop after trying all the possibilities because they believe that all possibilities are conceivable. Do not make this kind of mistake that will make you general rather than specialist. The best is that if a way on which you bet was not a success, at least you can always bet again on this this way with new parameters and not try all possible way.

Again, in betting again on the same track with new parameters, do not try all possible parameters. Make choices based on beliefs that suit you best. The time may be precious, but success is even more valuable. Do not be afraid to lose your time by betting again, as the same to bet, in betting again you still do not lose always your time.

Persevere is somehow what we understand here, but more specifically, it is not to listen to his feeling, it is to think how we can make things better, and when I tell you to take on new parameters, it is to choose better parameters after selecting these parameters accurately.

Be careful not to rely on your neighbor, when a way is carried out it is personal to the individual who undertakes or group who undertakes. It is impossible to calculate exactly all the parameters that are included in the way that you take, and this is primarily the reason for which we should not rely on the neighbor. Trust, it's not just "trust for the neighbor", it is also "first having self-confidence". Also note that this is not because the neighbor fails case (in a way) that it will happen to you.

Even if in our course, we have had success, we can continue to bet again in the same way with new parameters knowing that it is possible that we do grow this success.

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1.6 Artificial intelligence

Time plays an important role in the analysis of intelligence. Firstly if we go from the bottom to the highest hierarchical level (central point), we begin with the words to go towards the phrases and then to the documents, to the subjects, to the modes (reading, writing, oral, etc.) and then to the episodes (laugh, talk, studies, etc.), and finally to the time (therefore the time: appointment, work, visit, etc.). Pass the time barrier what has it?

The time cannot be crossed, but it drives the intelligence more than anything. We must realize that the time is therefore outside the intelligence since it only animate and therefore not part of intelligence as such.

The center of the intelligence is therefore outside of the being. Since everything that was said in the first paragraph of this section is functions, not the engine of the intelligence.

To learn more about the intelligence, we must find the central element of time.

Now see the "conical hierarchy." This form of hierarchy is so called because of its shape shown in Figure 1.1 below. Understanding that we must retain this form of hierarchy is that nothing is divided as a hierarchical graph branch, and "at the same time," we can access all element layers. In the graph in Figure 1.1, we display in stratum and also gradual.

Figure 1.1 – Conical hierarchy

Figure 1.1 – Conical hierarchy

The conical hierarchy is a progress in the discovery of artificial intelligence, since it sets the rarity of an item, and the abundance of other. Thus, according to Figure 1.1, the "hot" (red) element becomes scarcer, and "cold" (blue) component becomes more abundant.

The conical hierarchy is also a way to explain how the secret of symmetry (see the document "The secret of Symmetries", doc # PHY-0011-v1-EN) works, knowing that the secret was that two elements are from the same element. Indeed, the conical hierarchy tells us that scarcity and abundance become interlaced symmetry with two other elements, for example, hot and cold. Interlaced symmetry is a good example of intelligence, because to get to assemble elements and unite together, we must use the conical hierarchy (which is a use of the interlaced symmetry).

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1.7 From repetition to creativity

First, we imagine that the universe started with an iterative process, because we can see that despite the difference that there are some things like planets, solar systems, galaxies, atoms, and the physical phenomena are repeated. This meant that the universe is governed by rules (repeat) creation.

How can we then imagine that despite the rules of physics, incorporating repetition, we arrive at creative results. This is due to the hierarchical process. The hierarchical process is somehow the time which is driven by creativity. As time is not a rule, it does not obey the repetition and thus allows creativity to expand, also operating in respect with the rules already established.

The hierarchical process is established in Figure 1.2 below. We see how a matrix (source of creativity, see document "Do Magic" doc# WIS-0004-v1-EN) will make its debut with the hierarchical process. The hierarchy in this graph is the time seen under the aspect of continuity from one repetition.

Figure 1.2 – Hierarchical process

Figure 1.2 – Hierarchical process

We can see in Figure 1.2 with the hierarchical chart has links that vary and are not egalitarian compared to other parts of the diagram. This is how nature, things take the place given to them governed by time. So also are the things in life for being, the time will play the lead role in terms of access to something.

The definition of creativity is: "A process by which things flow over time to create differences in the associations of ideas, things, materials, etc., so do not give access all the time to all these elements on which creativity takes effect."

So here we have the ultimate proof that time does exist. We saw that the time was therefore an element which governed the access to something, and even if there was space between 2 elements and that someone would claim that this is the space that makes the time, we could affirm over that, that time is what gives access to these things left there and then. The time may not be tangible, but the time makes very passive life for a being, more beings have this consciousness of time, more passivity is present in their lives. As it is a coincidence that we take time to relax, change is therefore passive.

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1.8 Conclusion

Although time is a primary element, time is a creation somehow. Basically, it will be creativity through hierarchical process (explained in the previous section), the time is generated by the creativity and memory (see the document "The keys of physics", doc# PHY-0009-v1-EN). Time does not exist because other elements exist. Time also existed already before creativity, but where time finds its place, it's when he joined the creativity and memory (all structures which maintain that creativity makes) of things. Time is the element that separates things together, we could almost say that the time is space, it is what divides by the fact that its indivisible structure (see section 1.3) reminds us how all other elements are somehow divisible with the logic of time.

So if we consider the space as “part” of the time, this “part” does not exist within what we want divided, because ultimately, it is necessary to have space between the divisions to ensure that this division exists. And if the time wants, the division does not exist without the time does it. So is the time under the best understanding developed.

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Chapter 2 – The symmetric rule of time

What we have done so far is great, it is remain studying the final element that symbolizes the time, so it remains the "precision". This element that is linked to the time must be understood in order to run high achievement in engineering, mathematics, physics, and other fields.

Firstly, why accuracy? Symmetric rule of time is no element is immersed in an unconscious break of time. So time does not break. Time symbol of indivisibility is continuous for every moment. The time does therefore its work of time. But if we use the symmetry here, accuracy is the only symmetry that may exist over time. Firstly, even the clock was invented to that being becomes more specific in what he plans to do. The time has therefore the work to establish accuracy.

This symmetrical rule of time, which is the precision, will be studied in order to bring light on how we can achieve an accuracy for example in the manufacture of microprocessor. So it can serve many areas, and is therefore very useful to understand, and this is what this document offers in value, because of all the research work that be delivered to you.

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2.1 The unit of the ultimate precision

The best way to get ultimate precision, it is using a unit created with symmetry. The symmetry may be used in the micro or macro sense. To always get the same unit, just apply a symmetry of this unit. Then we can if we wish, create micro unit by simply finding the center of a unit using symmetry.

This method could be used in the nanofabrication. If the symmetry was used, we would probably know methods to reaching the ultimate precision. The world of computers and electronics uses sequential processes to calculate, which is a source of error and complexity when we want to achieve more accuracy. While, with the symmetry, we reach without complexity, but with the ingenuity of manufacturing processes even smaller than current technology prowess.

With the knowledge of this rule, we can accelerate in less time all efforts on technologies based on sequential progression (by step). Precision brings symmetry is also a related to time concept, because time, as the past is reflected (by symmetry) always on the future. Thus is established the rule of time, time always depends on the source to continue, and for what time is indivisible because everything fits together.

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2.2 Advanced artificial intelligence concept

We study time as a mirror of the past to the future somehow, what can we learn from this? First, we have learned to rely on the accuracy of symmetry. Then what can we learn? Well, we could build an intelligence system based on the rule of time accuracy.

To achieve this, imagine that the language is like a stream to multiple tentacles. All tentacles branch out a behind the other forming a chain. Thus we can also continue to use sequential systems (chain) knowing that symmetry is simultaneously used to form links or groups of words and so on have an artificial synthesis of something. The experience would be interesting to perform to confirm what this could actually lead.

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2.3 Time seen as a chain

We have seen through the general knowledge that the rules left traces, and these traces are linear appearance as we confuse the time and several other elements of the physical, since at bottom we tend to imagine things that appear to move as time are linearly, but it is not linear.

It will watch the time as a string. A chain has links that fit into each other and this is exactly how the time is done. We learned that symmetry plays an important role, its role is now bigger because ultimately links of time stand by symmetry. Symmetry prevents the time to have a break. Like all things are held together logistically in the universe because one relies on the other and so on, the time is like this. But to rely, it must contain a part of the other and this is what we call the chain, therefore simultaneously two chain links should contain them self partly. The time is therefore not divided, as each link is performed partly simultaneously with the chain link which follows.

Figure 2.1 shows how the time contain a symmetry not only in the unit, but also in chemistry that forms between two time sequences which brings us back to present time as a chain. Also in Figure 2.1, we show that the same chemistry occurs at the level of molecules and objects (atoms seen with a scanning tunneling microscope).

Figure 2.1 – Chemistry of time

Figure 2.1 – Chemistry of time

This view of time as a chain also explains that even hot with cold form chemistry, even the positive electric current forms a chain with the negative current, etc. What is important to remember is that the chain is simply the best model to represent time, not a line, as in a "time line".

Ensuring that time is like a chain, we have all the luck on our side for obtain accuracy. If the elements that make up a machine, for example, are not arranged separately technically, but by integrating part of the operation of another party, then we have a machine that meets the same appearance as the chain of time, and we then obtain greater accuracy, or say that the ultimate precision is achievable.

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2.4 The cracks of time

Here we do not talk about time travel. The use of the term "cracks" not therefore mean that time travel exists, but simply that the time is not linear in the sense that we can not accurately predict the time or make predictions always accurate. Is that there is what we call the "cracks of time".

The term "crack" refers to the time that finally breaks and no longer exist as reality tells us: projections we do not necessarily fulfilled. Why have used the ultimate precision, we are unable to foresee any? Cracks are openings that are created as we advance. These openings are desirable, and beyond wanting to foresee all, we have openings that prevent things become repetitive. For the fact, predictions and forecasts are an order in which it is likely that things go according to such parameters set in the present, but obviously cracks (openings) will be new sources of information.

Figure 2.2 – The cracks of time

Figure 2.2 – The cracks of time

Artistic view

Cracks can push to abandon of something, an idea, or an old value, because as time has reserves of future, cracks are what makes obsolete items. So maybe that old age is caused by cracks that damages the body to a point where it is no longer reparable. Are we to believe that everything breaks ... except for one thing: the memory. Mathematically demonstrated in the document of the invention of data compression, this memory should theoretically exist even in nature despite its presentation that is artificial in nature. Because remember, memory is what is forgotten before the invention because of the overload of data in computer and the cleanup of data, and now with this invention data compression, memory never overload. It is well worth it to memorize all our data.

Cracks are not enemies, but perhaps what drives us to do better than last time. When a concept of creation falls due to a crack, that is probably natural that this concept of creation has need a cure of rejuvenate, or just a replacement. The cracks cannot be avoided, where they appear necessary. See it as a necessity: the time is well protected from invaders, and we must redo forces enabling born lifecycle.

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2.5 Conclusion

We have seen that the ultimate precision could be achieved using symmetry. We have seen that despite an ultimate precision, the time had in its reserves, cracks weakening accuracy. Thus is time.

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Chapter 3 – Extraction of time

To further the analysis that is done in the document "The secret of Symmetries" (doc# PHY-0011-v1-EN), we define time as an element that has been extracted from a source. Thus we dive into a thinking that seeks to understand why the time exists.

The author finally found the absolute key governing time and also other elements of the universe, as well as explaining the organization of things which now says. This is that everything works in parallel! Parallelism was something that was difficult to see because of the relational aspect, or relative, that people perceive easily. And therefore we see that the elements that science enumerates and it tries to explain are governed by simple organization in parallel.

We could feel the leaves of trees are divisions of the tree, but rather imagine that their link is parallel from the trunk to the leaf, and also imagine that his roots as pipes arranged in parallel until trunk. And so on, we live in a world in which the organization of all things contains parallel. The illusion is to believe that the ends join, but in reality, they never really joined.

The time is therefore in parallel with the movement. Movement and time are two elements extracted from a parallel source, but neither one nor the other joins, and so it proved and the time exists ... Quiz: stay freeze a few seconds (including eyes), you lose the sense of time? You should be able to feel the time remaining completely frozen (without noise or visual change). The absence of movement eliminates the sensation of time.

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