There is a limit about director interest rate: Why this doesn’t work in other hyper inflationist countries? The charge of interest will be balanced on products and services payments loads. People can reach external finances with low interest rates. People will reduce their expenses causing cheap labor and imported products increase.
Banks cannot lose eternally like we have seen in 2008: Like we have seen in 1982, Banks in Canada do not make profit during an economic crisis. In 2007, there was an overload of bad borrowers affecting the bank strategy. Usually, banks can support an average of 5% of bad credits considering a normal year benefit at the year-end summary.
Reduce taxes to affect the price: Well, it cannot slow down inflation because people are scared, and they increase in advance their price for planning to do not touch the price so much often. Resulting touching the taxes makes price target even more complicated for people.
People need advance system concerning economic: I know that some work to dark my presentation about American Economy 2.0 in order to find the clue of instability, but there is a nonunion sense between psychology reverse and this economic value. Yes, some are not agreed about changing economic system, except in my concern, I know we end up this old economics pattern resulting on the ancient God Kingdom. Now the Kingdom of God, has I always defended my Kingdom at me also, we should do our best and not be happy stand at doing nothing to improve.
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Compare what is comparable: In his book “The Grand Design,” Stephen Hawking tries to seduce as we are a single and simple person each other, and putting people into the depress… But I, Mars, I said to my people that for every father such the Father in the heaven, even your direct biological parent, you are a “special” Son. Don’t need to say that we are comparable to dust if we just look the size of the universe. Even the universe is big, in your life you will also see “Great” moments and feeling and love about people love you like His Hero!
Philosophy helps people: Correct Stephen Hawking says that the science has evolved … but why? Because “philosophy” makes people think better. Please do not put off your vital energy of all day making you understand the people, the life and even the science!
Influence is a wonderful meaning: Even if the science changes over times, there is one single rule we should not forget… “Atoms remember the origin (basic) of life.” Do you target a basic life or a wonderful life? By what do you dream? Yes, atoms are a base like we need to control matters to be happy … but we need to become a wonderful leader too, even a Father, and personally control more than the matter … influence the destiny of the world.
We need to survive over scientist reports: Every single work on this world has helped people … sometimes we feel like a god… We are gods compared to animals. We need to affirm who we are to raise the value of our work (economic rule) … And therefore, we need to raise us, our friend, our child, our family, and the people (as nationalism patriots). At the beginning of the mythology times … people have worked hard … try to build a pyramid today. And fortunately, every day we sacrifice our blood, but there is an issue: becoming an immortal god like this people in the mythology. Today it is possible, I am the living proof of that possibility… I have the body of a 20′ boy while I go on 43 years old… As I know, I have human blood!
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Let’s talk about better than Running LEAN method for any enterprises start up. Running LEAN is swollen but there is no guarantee.
Create a new market: Creating a new market is surely a hard job, but this ensures that you are welcome on the way. Yes, if we ask the question, “should we have to become a competitor or a dead organization?” … yes, we think first to get our part of the cake, that is natural, but one must say first before all that we need a better idea than the competitors, we need to create the door opened into our business… Does it mean we just need a new idea? No, we need to become as a sword into some existing markets mean unify value and get a personal merge of some existing market.
Example: If we found jazz festivity, French music band’s festivity, world music festivity … then create a food festivity! Competitors are who get the similar idea but still not success.
Get a better performance with some recreational work: Yes, some idea could be more benefit … but there is a problem … you enter in the routine of the money. I understand that your wife, your family, your friends, will push you out to do more benefit activities at the place… But if we do so, we enter in the routine of money. The more it will be hard to start up, the more you will survive. Understand that the principles of more benefit require funny product and service for your customers, sometimes we forget the ambiance of our business. Work always to rush into the routine of money make you fail in some way. Customers need to see smiles, healthy and breathing business model. Then, balance between cash and recreational.
Resolve the priority only: Enter in the way to get solutions for everything, you enter in a routine. Do not wait to get a rush of works, but do not try to do an overload of work by purpose. Yes, we can always improve quality, except that if we give to us a huge aim at first, this becomes heavy on our shoulders.
Success starts with discipline to maintain acquires we got reach: Remember one of fetish sentence in Running LEAN method books’, “do not do what customers want, but sell your ideas.” At first sight, this is like “do anything you want, but help the people by your way you plan for.” Yes, it is great, but not enough. You need to create links between customer’s needs and your solutions. Any acquires in customers got to reach, the more they are numerous in your offer solution, the more you will sell your products or service … fight competitors in that way. Remember that key of innovation takes into account many and the more things possible.
To continue…
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My concern about this journal is related to good practice in war times about maintaining a wealth budget on military activities.
Refer to the nearest period: With peace times we took the bad habits to refer to statistics and previous closure years about the budget. But that is going to change in war times. Even, if we talk about inflation, China contributes with Arabs to influence the economic crisis, and the war in Ukraine continues to place Russian against the world … mostly against the United States. Then it is times to see where we go economically by simply planning short and refer to shorter periods.
Absolutely detail your budget: Yes, usually we take some general summaries to overview on military expenses and budget … because we use our experience to understand these summaries. Except, in war times we need more details … a longer and complete budget control is necessary here. You should understand that during war times, we need to dig into habits to see habits and take a deep decision on things.
Transform the matter: As some of you already apply in Army, they arrange to transform himself the matter. This is absolutely right, and you should continue like that.
Listen short link relation: During war time, information must come to you purely. You remember the childhood game of ear to ear speaking a secret inside friend’s circle and the queue say the result… Then if you have contacts, talk to them directly. Start more committees: a committee could be simply learning about reports from the direct source… Be more direct in war times.
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This journal is about 4 epic fails about psychiatry:
They accumulate reason, not losing some: They said that there are 8 states of mind according to Howard Gardner. Supposing there is only 8, according to the state of logical/mathematical, these scientific want answers to everything using this state of mind… OK … it means they want a reason for everything according to Gardner. If you think that these people are crazy … you are wrong because they check for a reason for everything, then not losing some reasons!
Spouse an idea is not leaking of reason: Me I spouse the belief that I was the Father … in order to defend the Heaven and the Kingdom of God. Lae spouses the belief she was most beautiful being naked/nude. So, people are not permanently married with these ideas … they can divorce… OK something appears crazy, but it fixed by itself, and do not require 3 years of forced treatments! Absolutely, I divorced with the idea I was the Lord … but because the Lord in the Heaven give me extra power to be a genius and see the real thing around me. Doctors want to sell pills and medical visits, but they do nothing to help to divorce with ideas … they profit like thefts and Government pays wasting money of the people.
Excess does not exist in psychiatry behavior: When they excess in pills … they correct with more pills. People pay for that excess. As psychiatrists say they fight excess, for himself they think it is impossible to excess because of their illuminated minds!
Exception cannot be arranged for a patient: Like Terry Fox’s disease, there is no treatment… All people, except psychiatry, suppose that medicine cannot answer to everything. Why have psychiatry supposedly answer to everything with pills? They want to maximize the profits and no optimize it. In finance, there is a great difference between maximizing and optimizing. All right!!!
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This is the following fighting against Stephen Hawking who makes a revendication against God that I don’t appreciate this side of him. This is what I said after reading “The Grand Design” book.
In a home, we need the feeling of a home: Like Hawking declares that using an old model is not elegant… I found completely false what he said. If you change a home, you need to keep the feeling that you are still in your home. It is important. As architects have to consider one thing, if they use baroque style, then we need to keep the feeling that it is baroque style. Same for music … and everything. Hawking said that using the old model to say that universe is contracting at the place of the new model of Hubble, that make no sense for him. But I reminder that there is a dimension: during the time that some element is expanding, there is other that is contracting. Example, why the universe is not overheated by all suns?
Futur and past are both senses of the evolution except I prefer small animals in the future: Hawking said the natural theory is better than the holy theory. OK, … Do you believe that God cannot expand the past at the same time to expanding the future. That’s why we found dinosaur fossils. The fossils show that the evolution goes in the right sense. If the evolution was the dinosaur … then it is going to be chaotic, and human never longer exist. Life evolves social, life evolves with God. So, his Natural Theory does not make any sense. Hawking is just making criticism about God… Hawking doesn’t send humanity in the right way; humanity is not going to survive if evolution is reverse. We need to thank God about all wisdom that we got from him.
Supernatural can still exist because we don’t know what is happening anywhere in the universe: Hawking speaks so long-time duration against philosophy promoting a better switch to his theory book. I understand he said something true; all planets and suns are in reality a center of the universe… This is physics… But promoting his natural law by destroying what allows Greeks to discover physics and mathematics (what means to be interesting to mystery). Mythology books remember that they exist mystery in the nature. We cannot pretend without seeing on every planet that supernatural force cannot exist… We need to observe to see the truth. Hawking, and humanity, never see what they can do on other planets, we don’t have proof!
Goldfish need space to grow, a scientific model needs large interest domains: We are human, we are more intelligent, we can see that using a greater aquarium the goldfish grow up better and have more fun. Having a public is fun too, having fans like Hawking got was fun for him… But too much success has consequence on the life of Hawking. We need to keep away from invaders. That makes no sense that people interest only about Hawking said… Maybe he was an animal right activist, maybe not, maybe he was loving cars, maybe he was a good chess player, maybe he has interest outside the physics… I believe that his interest lost dimension… He would maybe be able to survive if he has also developed interest for God, for more than one pure branch, other things than the physics.
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Here, it is my tips about politics and economy.
Having trouble with Donald Trump? He is just making his new entrance in politic: January 6th has been heavy for Americans, whose who want to preserve the historic patrimonial, after touching the center of politics in the USA. Take it easy with Donald Trump, I think. Severe revendication could be deployed … but still a January 6th, I don’t think so. Donald Trump is a good standard man, and no need to worry about another black day in politics. He can do better than the previous mandate … we cannot forecast the future on him. Bill Maher goes too fast by calling him “Mr. Evil.” Trump can do better, reply on him about January 6th is somehow brutality through him. To fight brutality, we should not use brutality… I think.
What about weapon policies? But Mr. Killing Em All is not existing: In the USA, life has a lot of challenges finding jobs, love, and friends. When a heavy problem was surrounding about finding love, the attacker kills 20 persons… More crime found in love problems than jobs’ problem. Investigating on creating love should be a benefit for the US Government. Yes, at this time where we are damning weapons … it should be said “weapon use” and not only “weapon” alone. Love is a barrier to people who want to use it. A lot of people revendicated the new laws. “God willing, it’s going to save a lot of lives,” Biden said at the White House as he finished signing the bill. Maybe Biden has rights … saving life… But thinking about reducing army resistance in the US. It should be encouraged for right people to be able to buy heavy weapons for the defense of the US. Maybe a psychological test for approval of any allowed.
Inflation goes down in July… I am not surprised! If we are investigating deeper about the cause of new down of inflation… People take vacation in July… They let their business on its way… The economy is going down… Investors took the wrong habit to over go the sale price. I don’t think that this new economy will be stopping only with this temporary measure about the Federal Reserve director’s rate. When the bourdon hit inside the beehive, it is necessary that bees increase the temperature around the bourdon to kill them… In that case, the bourdon resists to 43 Celsius, while the bees 44 Celsius. How much should Celsius resist houses investors vs. Federal Reserve?
Ambitions should be taken easy or heavy? Anyway, I am the one to pretend that any Empire like the US should grow. When Mr. Comfortable should say to himself, “OK, my comfort should be lifted up… Tired about economic problems around the world, even inside the US, then it is time to target a new economy.” I have presented many times American Economy 2.0… Which I wish to obtain the favor to use it… But we need to create ambitious States’ economic policies… It is probable the growth of the economy is affected by lower ambition. I think.
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