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The secret of symmetries

Secret of symmetries
The secret of Symmetries
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Updated: 2013-09-17

Created: 2013-09-17

Type: Document

Chapter 1 – Introduction to symmetries

The experience that symmetries have demonstrated to the author, it is that their use and discovery are not obvious thing at first sight. First, the symmetries are a way to create rules that are not much exploited. It started with a simple dream that has allowed the author to see what the symmetries allowed to do.

First, symmetry is not an exact copy of two elements, for example it is a way to close what we call a "round" (the endless). About the endless, the author created the document "The strength of Masters" (doc# WIS-0002-v3-EN) and "The Secret of Endless" (doc# PHY-0012-v1-EN). Symmetries are a kind of basic science that is complex because of the multitude of things which we can observe symmetries.

A symmetry that is well created reveals something dominant on knowledge and the world. Even if by reading this document your training on symmetries remained basic, there remains that you already control over how to create and study the symmetries that hides in the design of the world and elements of the hidden science.

You will see later that this document can influence your perception of the current reality on physics. You will find a new vision of how we see things differently and explore.

This document is a text of great importance because it reveals the hidden face of physics. This document is to be taken seriously, and you also find yourself symmetries have a dominant power in the world, for the research. Moreover, it is the first pillar of modern scientific research according Matheus.

With your new knowledge on symmetries, you will be able to demystify and understand much better science. With research efforts, you will understand more in your life, but first contemplate this work that will impress you.

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1.1 Mathematical symmetry

In elementary school, symmetry is taught as a method to reproduce a similar form from a mirror. This basic training is not more developed, simply because the nature of symmetries comes from far away, and is not a concept developed instinctively.

We will resume the concept of symmetry. If a symmetry may be a copy in the mirror, it can be otherwise if it is not a mirror that is used to symmetry, but your intelligence.

Figure 1.1 – Here are several symmetries

Figure 1.1 – Here are several symmetries

The imagination overflows in the amount of symmetry it is possible to create with only two elements, and so endless. Symmetry in the mathematical concept is a great sea of ideas using creativity of its designer. Of course, we will not use all possibilities. What is important to remember is that we build with symmetries. Science does not exist, it is a concept invented by being. Science is a symmetry of the human imagination. Means to verify something is what gives form to the science and gives it its character.

Science is a way of expressing an idea as authors express in fairy stories. The most important character of science is the basis. And about that, the science is not based on any basis. It was founded to build bases. But this is the biggest failure of science, because if we want to build bases, on what we build that? On nothing for the ordinary scientist. But we will get to explore the existing foundation and build on it: symmetrical bases.

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1.2 Symmetrical bases

The 1st base need to know is that it takes to close the round. This is done by duplicating symmetrically, for example, a form to the opposite side. We have not shown in Figure 1.1, but imagine that there is a central point between the two symmetrical shapes. So, this is the round. But since it closes the round by creating a symmetry in this way, then this round is no more reason to be. And this is the first basic rule to create symmetry "Close the round." The closed round, it no longer exists.

Thus, we do not focus on landmarks in this new science, neither key, we build systems. And to build a system without landmark, we harmonize the components of this system.

The second basis is that we recreate the circle. To do this, we apply a symmetry to the outside of first basis. Thus, it recreates the circle.

Knowing that we can make outward symmetry, we can also make inward from the second row. Symmetries need not be equal, because a symmetry can be different in size to the source. So the symmetry inward is the 3rd basis.

The fourth basis is parallel symmetry, and it can be carried anywhere.

The fifth basis is a symmetry that we baptize "point of pie." As its name implies, it is made following the appearance of a pie, and can be placed anywhere.

It is important to remember that the circle will never shifted or deformed. All symmetries keep the circular appearance.

The 6th basis is the symmetry of the thickness, then a shape can be thicker in the lower layer or upper layer, or both.

The seventh basis is the circular symmetry linear. In a layer, we can create a symmetry with a portion of this layer, creating the appearance of a broken line somehow. This base is essential to navigate the circle. We do not need to use the degrees taught in traditional mathematics.

It is now seven bases that help us to understand the symmetry.

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1.3 The symmetric extension

Now that you've learned with symmetries, it remains to understand how far the symmetries can lead you in your studies, your research or reflections. The symmetry does not apply only to the forms as we have seen, it also applies to knowledge. To really see its potential, instead of proceeding with the method of isolation of factors in research, we can proceed with the symmetric extension method.

This method (symmetric extension) allows rewriting in another way knowledge. It is useful to be able to just create combinations of knowledge that otherwise would not happen. Combining the knowledge is not possible with the simple understanding of something. Combining knowledge becomes possible by creating symmetry of applied knowledge with other knowledge.

That it should bring us is a mystery, because we can not explicitly develop exactly a concrete example. But we will study the method.

The method is to create symmetry of knowledge, for example, the knowledge "sunlight is white", we create symmetry "the sun creates light". Then we create a combination of this knowledge with the "light takes the white of the sun". This would ultimately "The sun creates white".

Scientifically, this information becomes a factor to be taken into consideration.

Now the symmetric extension is clearer because we have seen that we can create data. So, instead of isolating one factor in picking a given, we use the method of symmetric extension. Symmetry itself thus serves to create an extension to knowledge. Instead of seeing a knowledge as such, we can see with an additional understanding.

There is no limit to the power of symmetries to create extensions, but there is still a limit structure must be taken into account. As you know, with the symmetries, it is possible to create structures, and the limit is reached when the structure can not be alone exist. Thus, symmetry is also a set of structures that are linked with each other. The new knowledge must be framed by a structure in harmony with the whole. And also why the study of symmetries is not a simple thing in research is because it is difficult to properly align the research results based on the application of symmetries.

But the best we can do with the symmetries, the best dramatic results obtained. Although so far, symmetries have not been large study, its domain is restricted to those who are well trained in symmetries. And this document shows you how to use symmetries correctly in your research.

The symmetric extension can also reveal hidden details. As we have seen only create an extension to knowledge, we can also extract knowledge in knowledge. Thus, this method is much better than the isolation factor. By extraction of knowledge, we highlight the key factors of knowledge while respecting the harmony of all knowledge. This method is better than the clarity of the researcher, this method (symmetric extension) is a new way of thinking, better than intuitive reason of the researcher. Therefore, this method can achieve more concrete results and also more innovative.

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1.4 The advancement in continuous

One of the secrets of the most promising use of symmetries is that it is advancing continuously. This secret requires the most attention, because the application of symmetries are successful in the research for a researcher if continuously applied advancements in continuous order. This means that we must move forward in his research with the addition of small finds.

The greatest mistake is that researchers want to shout "eureka" on great find. But in order to do with symmetries, the researcher must create his find and not get with key concepts. Moreover, the key concepts do not exist with the symmetries. Symmetry also used to create the concepts of science, so it is by no means a key or law or theory. Traditional methods researchers sought to apply the study of the laws of physics, for example, but now we create knowledge by creating rules and not because these rules already exist, but rather that they do not exist before it is created.

Before you switch to creating rules, it is important to have a harmony. And as the harmony is not here is not all of the existing, but continuity. So that progress continuously creates harmony. Let's go in small steps.

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1.5 Understanding of experts

We must also know that the symmetries from when we close the circle, for example, forms, it becomes the center, so it creates a center. Because the most important aspect is that this symmetries is used to create centers. But that's not all.

The experts will be those who understand it, is that we creates compositions with symmetries. Scientists have not been able to have the right technique to unlock the secrets of nature. But with this understanding we can achieve extensive technological horizons.

The composition is something that is not controlled in most talented artists, since, background composition must be guided by the centers and also the art itself must be a composition and not an effect. To distinguish a true symmetrical composition of an ordinary composition is that the focus is lost with the mundane compositions. The art of creating a text well is first you do not lose the focus on the subject and so it is also for scientific research, researchers lose focus.

Keep focus in its composition is something that is difficult to do without the advice of this document. This document was mounted non-continuous way, but with experimentation to create with the symmetries. And for what nobody arrive at this result, the quality of this document, it is simply because the author draws his knowledge in creating harmony with all that the use of symmetries teaches. Those who want to imitate this research will be planted because they want to achieve concrete results as soon as possible. But this document was prepared with a patience that has its weight in the quality of the design of the study of symmetries.

See the composition more closely. It was stated in Section 1.3, "The symmetric extension", of this document that we could create symmetry on the formulation of a scientific concept. But now with the composition, we refine the symmetries.

The most important aspect of the composition is that each element is added to include the previous item. Thus, we can start at 0 and end with a magnitude unprecedented knowledge.

In the composition, it is not required to always keep the previous element, and we make a chain of knowledge: this is the most important element to consider the chain. If scientists had this secret of the composition by the chain, they would drop the application of so-called "laws" at some point in the chain of knowledge now, but these greedy ones missing out on the expansion path of knowledge, this expansion is not well composed losing focus on the central aspects.

And you realize when reading this document that many realities are also subject to this secret composition. For example, it will let go to compose correctly without applying the dogma of principle, which does not mean that the principle is gone, it only means that the principles can be suspended and reapply later. Thus it must be like that with the composition.

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1.6 The sense of improvisation

The symmetry would not be complete if we did not use improvisation. Improvisation is precisely what allows for the break with the framework environment. Improvisation allows you to create. This is the secret of all creation. More people (we) follow frameworks (social models or procedures) more people miss improvisation.

Improvisation in creating symmetries is absolutely essential, and this is the number one secret of symmetries. Improvisation ability to navigate unfamiliar terrain. Scientists generally believe that this is what precedes knowledge that point on future knowledge, but they are mistaken. We must not rely on the past when it comes to create symmetry.

But now if we want to create, the past should not be taken into account since the past without the intervention of symmetries is otherwise a difficult past. To create, it will suffice to navigate improvising symmetries, and it is the task that will make the work of the researcher.

Improvise allows you to create a new data organization. You do not start at 0, you simply navigate in uncharted waters. Improvisation does not mean inventing falsehoods, it means organizing knowledge otherwise than in the previous organization. This means that the structures that support a knowledge are defined with simply symmetries and not observation. With the method of observations generally used as a means of checking a knowledge, well, this method will limit a day when the other as you go in one direction, the sense of sight, without even using the other senses. In physics, the senses are many, and just to use a harmonized way of physics, it will rely on a harmonious structure, and the only one that can achieve complete harmony structure is constructed from the symmetries.

Improvisation will fit you not overwriting the previous elements, but repositioning the previous elements. That's it.

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1.7 Create symmetry

At this stage of understanding, it is now up to create a symmetry that is built of a rule that is doing well in the environment. Apart from all the symmetries that we have seen previously, this step is actually the first and last step, because it is to create symmetry.

Creating a symmetry is not a simple task, it is the most complex aspect that is. First, the symmetries are not only used for visual forms, they also serve to broaden the understanding of something. And for what, create symmetry is relatively complex because we do not expand any understanding anyhow. The goal itself is not just to create a symmetry for create symmetry. The goal is to grow the science on something.

Thus, create symmetry requires that we discussed earlier, but also this new aspect: the length of a symmetry. For example, if we had the following understanding "The sun is great", then the length of a symmetry would apply to mean in reality, in our environment of the solar system the sun seems great. Thus we see that the length of the symmetry is thus limited, we cannot say that the sun is great in the whole universe because this environment is infinitely large. But what you need to know is that the symmetry in length, so we never compare the infinite knowledge or infinite any, we compare what is comparable. So the sun is immensely large compared to the size of the human being, and this becomes true. So are the symmetries, they expand knowledge, but does not makes. This is your know who will make up knowledge. And symmetry is created precisely to measure the knowledge and to limit it to do not exceed its truth.

Thus, create symmetry is a complex task, since any time, it must be true. It is a challenge! But it was worth it, because ultimately, the symmetry is a truth, so it's a rule. And this must remain in your memory: If the symmetry is true, then it is a true rule. The rule is what Mathiasers in the symmetries.

Symmetry is therefore used to create rules. We will see later what we do with all the rules created with symmetries.

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1.8 Conclusion

We learned that the symmetries were truths that created rules. So we learned the truth, it is we who create it. While some may argue that this is commonplace, it is actually a very complex task, because basically, the purpose of symmetry is to build a harmony of knowledge. And in this respect, harmony is not given to everyone.

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Chapter 2 – Building with symmetries

We saw in the previous chapter what is a symmetry. Now we will discuss a very interesting topic: what we can do with the symmetries. Although now you are introduced to the symmetries, this new phase is the most important.

We will disclose the secret of symmetries that far you have not yet been said. It is from this revelation that you will better understand the importance of studying the symmetries. Symmetries form large understandings of physics and on various topics, you will find yourself reading this section.

Study physics is normally a difficult task. But the secret that will be revealed in this section, you will not see physics as a difficult task, but a very interesting area is very wide and promoter.

In this section, it is the subject entirely on symmetries, but ideally you should also supplement your reading by reading the document "The Secret of Endless" (doc # PHY-0012-v1-FR). The study of endless dimension is somehow another topic that is related to the symmetries to achieve concrete things. But still, we can also do with the symmetries to achieve concrete things. Already with the revelation of the secret, you already see the potential.

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2.1 The secret

The cover image of this document presents somehow the secret. We feel that fire is a primary element and also the cold. But now learn that the secret is a symmetry extracted heat and cold of the same element. The latter which contains both heat and cold is said an element of endless.

So the secret is as such, you should remember that anything said primary was born of a extraction. As explained in the introduction to this chapter, you should read the document on the science of endless know how Endless behaves in this dimension. It is not wrong to call them primary, but it is also true that it is not alone if it is considered as a primary element.

The truth is before your eyes, how would you feel the heat if the cold does not exist. So it is really true that in this context we must admit the truth about the so-called primary elements. It does not take you any advantage in front of this such consideration, on the contrary, relying on the fact that we can extract the primary elements, this causes a new understanding now create on the knowledge of physics.

In addition, for you demonstrate that whereas symmetries are responsible for the extraction of primary elements, we must think about the influence that the primary elements between them. This influence is not given by chance elements influence because they have a connection, they have a bond that unites them.

The extraction concept of said primary elements launches us towards a path of study that does not only use these primary elements, but perhaps will change them. If we could change the "hot" item for example using new extraction method, we can create technologies that until now were impossible.

We have the key on which we can rely to change the primary elements, we have symmetries. And of course we have this fabulous secret on the extraction of primary elements. So it only remains for us to dig with intensive research in the fields of science, especially physics, which is a primary area for other areas of research. Since everything through physics, it is convenient to focus on this area.

This secret will bring a lot of knowledge and physics explanations that may be revolutionary. Already the idea of extracting the primary elements is a concept that was not yet studied, but with this secret we move forward. And who knows, better succeed in creating practical things with this secret that acts as driving force for exploration in physics.

Although this secret seems simplistic, it is actually to discovery of large research efforts, and it is the new basis of understanding of all areas. Which blocks a researcher, it is the ability to perceive, and precisely with this new secret, we are allocating our perceptions towards new horizons of understanding of Mathiaser, forces that make up this world, we are now seeing, those who have this secret will become the new prophets of science, and this is precisely what it takes to become an elite, become able to explain the phenomena. We can bring judgment on the phenomena that only if we are endowed, and therefore an understanding beyond our ability to see, it is not possible for us to find, if it is only gossip of promoters of half-truths. With this secret, we have the gift to see more clearly in our analyzes, and precisely, we now have the ability to understand what is above average intelligence.

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2.2 The key of time

So to say what is the secret of good section 2.1, is used to understand the phenomenon of time. Although most people have a passive way to see the time, and some engage in very passive conclusions, but in reality time is not a result of mechanical elements. Even in the absence of any mechanical form around a person, that person still has the perception of time. So time exists if it is felt. But let us look at the key time rather than existential questions.

Not only passivity, it is looking a simple film "Prince of Persia" that the idea of the key of time is coming. As explained through section 2.1 of this document, symmetries are from the secret that says 2 elements of the same family are born of the same element. This will include to key named "key of time", but that should be applied to almost all elements. So, the key is that the elements already exist even before birth.

This seems at first sight not possible, but it's true. The key of time, applied to time, is simply that the future is in constant attraction to the past, and this form with symmetries, a circle.

Figure 2.1 – The key of time

Figure 2.1 – The key of time

From Figure 2.1, we will explain the key time. The present is the element that destroys that which is created by the symmetry: the past and the future are destroyed by the present. White is the future, and black is the past. It is a key that helps to understand the time, and also can be applied to almost anything.

Thus, the nature in its inner workings constantly created time, and the present destroy it. This also means that even for other elements than time, such as temperature, heat and cold are destroyed when the two elements are together in equal amounts.

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2.3 Conclusion

The secret symmetries gives evidence of the existence of time and also proof that the elements are created and destroyed constantly. Eternity is the path between creation and destruction. So, time is eternal because time is constantly renewed with symmetry. This has given rise to the circle (Figure 2.1) which is a model for understanding the secret symmetries.

Now that we know that the elements are created and destroyed, we know that the saying "Nothing is created nothing is lost" is completely false. Must have on hand the secret symmetries and the key of time to be able to understand that "The elements are created and destroyed constantly."

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Chapter 3 – From time to creativity

We developed an interesting theory in the document "The keys of physics" (doc # PHY-0009-v1-EN), which is taken lightly about the science of creation. The best way to understand something is to start from the easiest to the most difficult. There is no need to break your head trying to understand creativity, we will arrive to understands by exploring the subject on the time, through a simplified study of the organization of memory and then finalizing a draft with more useful on creativity. Creativity is a subject that makes the symmetry very useful and is the basis for applying symmetries.

Summarizing the work on the science of creation that has been studied so far, we understand that concept creativity leaves traces, these traces in turn form the memory that is organized, and then the time is generated by the continuous aspect of creativity and memory. It is important to remember here that for there to be a continuous creativity for a researcher, it is essential to constantly reorganize its memory and not let this memory passively organize. More people have permanent structures for their memories, more creativity is part of their talent researcher. But the reality is that people do not have a permanent structure, but we will see how to remedy this problem.

In this chapter, we will go through the study of time in a symmetric context, to lead us to a simplified understanding of creativity. We will learn to extract creativity in the proper sense of the term, that is what we will see in the end.

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3.1 Eternity, a presage of time

The vision of time must be separated from the mechanical aspect. Indeed, we tend to associate the time the mechanical elements. We have been accustomed to see the time by a change.

It is true that we can perceive time from mechanics, but time is not a change. Time must be a vision. Having a vision of the past and future events. Having a vision means perceiving eternity. But there is a trap, if you see eternity as a repetition of something, you fall into the trap. Having a vision is not easy and requires practice to not fall into the trap of repetition.

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3.2 The memory

Usually people when they do something like cleaning or restructuring of elements such as files on a computer, they only look at their current needs without worrying about what will happen in the future with their files coming.

Naturally, you do not want to be aware of future needs, and you say "one day at a time" by claiming that it is a winning idea. But you're wrong. Whoever looks at a day at a time limit their own creativity. If you look forward (in what comes), you work harder, but the work is worth it, because basically the memory is to remember a priori that is believed to come. Take the world at the time "0", so the memory is like this, you need to remember what comes.

Often, we take memory for remembering our past, it is true that the memory is the past, but this past if he had been thought in advance at time "0" you have symmetry. Thus the symmetric memory is much faster than the memory of the past.

You say you cannot have it all with symmetrical memory, but you're wrong. When it comes to live events present or meet current needs, you already know why you do it. And must be memory to get you to be creative, if you create knowing what you are doing, you are more forward thinking, you create thought and thoughtful things, you do not do anything.

Creativity is to remain aware of the needs not only current but also future. As mentioned in the introduction to this chapter, we talked permanent structures. Think logically, a memory is something that remains is not volatile. And must be structures, they should not are made to be replaced, it is logical that says "memory" also said "what remains."

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3.3 The creativity

With symmetries, we will finally understand creativity. We saw eternity that must be seen by a vision on time, and we saw that memory is what is left. Now see the role of creativity.

Ultimately, creativity is none other than build something. However, as we have seen over time and the trap of repetition, creativity is to do original things. And as we have seen with the memory, creativity is to do things that remain. So it is not easy to be creative, it must be cultivated, it must be put into practice to be good and develop talent.

Creativity took some time before being understood and implemented by the author. Experience and goodwill led the author to a mature work.

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