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The strength of the Masters

Strength of the Masters
The strength of the Master
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Updated: 2014-02-26

Created: 2013-03-04

Type: Document

1. Introduction

As the interior is often different from the outside world, we need to understand the strengths of these two elements. The interior is out of sight is a mystery on which we will focus on studying the inner strength.

The strength in this document is not the one used by the symmetries, because it exists another form of strength that is more powerful than the symmetries. In addition, consider the strength generated by the symmetries would require too much time or thousands of years before coming to the concrete with symmetrical strength. Symmetrical strength is based on the study of rules created by symmetry, it takes time to find the correct universal rules that generate learning that frame the nature.

The strength that we will study constitutes the study of source aspect "endless". "Endless" does not mean infinity, infinity is a rule which is generated by symmetry. Take the example of the circle and the round (which is in the circle). The circle is created by symmetry, but the round (inside the circle) is created by strength "endless".

The great distinction between the circle and the round is explained to you thus:

  • The circle is generated by limits (even if said infinity), because these limits are centralized by the application of a rule that limits as such, because there are other rules that are self-framed. Self-frame is done naturally by the fact that since there is no only one rule, the rules between them as they exist create a form of frame, as they are not alone.
  • The round consists of integrated rules, which means that the integrated rules do not frame the other integrated rules. The "endless" is vague. The "endless" is deep see deep "endless". The integrated rule is different from a symmetrical rule. The integrated rules may give the impression that one is lost as we move forward, but it is not really a loss of orientation, this is simply another system that often neglected in the advantage of symmetry which is much more flexible. However, the "endless" provides new benefits if properly studied.

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2. The "Endless"

The knowledge:

Unlike the symmetry, the "endless" has no hierarchy. The "endless" is studied by moving knowledge. This is one of the tricks of the Masters, moving knowledge is not divided into hierarchical branch which is in fact a symmetric division.

The "endless" moves the knowledge until the knowledge is rich enough to be used. What has been said seems "vague" because you say that knowledge is the source and the source cannot move, but it takes you to build a vision of "endless" which is different from that with the application of symmetrical rules.

Knowledge can move with the "endless". Knowledge consists of several stages of understanding, and as it is said, to generate knowledge that is "endless" we must not abandon the stages of understanding that preceded them, we need to find complements to other stages of understanding. But there is another trick to understand, they are not complementary in the sense that they complement the preceding stages, are complements that enrich the sense of complete. Therefore the knowledge of the early stages is complete in itself, but the other stages enrich knowledge, so that knowledge moves because it is located in a new stage.

The strength endless:

Strength endless has a unique feature unlike the symmetrical strength. Strength endless is not centralized, unlike the symmetrical force whose center is the strongest. To study the "endless", use methods other than those used with symmetrical strength because the center is not present.

In the study of symmetries centers are rules that are landmarks. But with the "endless" is the depth as a means of reference. Although people give up what is too deep, do not venture into the depths of "endless" as the depth of the symmetry.

In symmetry, depth constitutes the foundation because we build in some ways with these foundations. It is the same for the "endless", to get to build with "endless", create foundations.

And why, to get to create strength of the Masters, it needs foundations capable of withstanding the strength of the Masters.

Understand what is the "endless":

First, endless is the topic we study, and to get to understand it, we must put research efforts. In this paper, we structure our efforts to solve some mystery of the strength endless to create the strength of the Masters. The endless is unknown, and will always remain so. All our efforts to explore the endless serves to enrich our strengths, but we will never reach an understanding as such the "endless". It should therefore be appreciated that the subject is still an unknown. But at least, enriching our knowledge, we enrich our strengths.

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3. The origin of the strength

The strength of the soul is not at the origin of endless "directly", but uses it to create an orientation. The direction taken by the soul is towards symmetry. Thus we must not forget that. As the symmetries redirects between them, they no longer need the endless for sense (direction) that follow. But as explained, developing symmetries returns a daunting task that requires too much sacrifice of time and effort, so that we cannot develop symmetries at a breakneck pace.

So to ease we will increase our strength in developing to the "endless" which we use to find symmetrical orientations that is symmetrical not by symmetry itself, but that is symmetrical related to the "endless". In this way it is another way to develop that is much more easily and less dependent of symmetries to come.

As explained, it is much more flexible to grow with endless because at least we keep the meaning, because the meaning is which allows give rise to a symmetry which will be a new strength. A new strength does not need to be built only by symmetries, it can like the origin of the soul strength be built in having its meaning by the fact that a relationship exists between the endless the new symmetry. Therefore this new symmetry does not depend on other symmetries to be used properly, it becomes completely autonomous by its sense given between the endless and symmetries.

Concentrate its strength:

The soul is a concentration of strength that even this represents a weakness is also strength. The soul must remain concentrate to be protected. Which weakened the soul is what makes us want to overcome its difficulties so making our difficulties not return. In reality, we should not change; we should increase its concentration.

This is not understanding that will increase the concentration of what you are. Understanding used to build, but if it is used to hide your weaknesses, you impoverish your soul.

Concentrate its forces means to give weaknesses lucky to be used so that it can grow. It is obvious that an understanding of our weaknesses drives us to want to hide these weaknesses. We must not do so. If you are told something in low, rather learn to take care of this weakness, because in reality this small weakness is actually a small force seen in another way. It is by using these small forces that are developing great strength.

For example, if you are told that you are a shy person. There are those who want to push you through the knowledge to go-get as them as they do, but they are wrong. People who are not shy are not real go-getter, is the absence of this force shyness makes them act differently. Do not pretend to go-get. The real go-getter is the one who uses all his strength to move forward. Shyness is a strength that makes you have an eye for detail. It is better to someone who is shy is doing concern (thus having the strength to care about something) that nobody making or concern for himself or herself or for another (seen negatively as a lack of this strength).

This is to make us understand that from the beginning you do not gain strengths of Masters that is large only with knowledge, but initially you gain rather small strengths that appear as weaknesses. But do not worry, by using them you will make a great power.

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4. The first four strengths of the Masters

The first 4 strengths of the Masters are trust, influence, concentration and intuition.

The trust:

To develop trust, we must abolish consciousness. Consciousness makes you maybe be appreciated, but it is enemy number one to the development of trust. Conscience does make decisions for people in a state of mind that seems more Zen. But in reality, consciousness comes neutralize, if you neutralize you’re not sure of which way to go, and consciousness is not a way, it is a neutral. The way that inspires trust is one that is not neutral but that you have a tendency to follow.

Trust is to find clues to make a more certain to be successful action. Thus, trust is based on success. Consciousness mine success, because success is to be selfish and not common to everyone. Your success is what you restores trust to continue on a path. We must therefore ensure that there will be a success before initiating an action, otherwise we can also take a chance if this is not certain. But that does not mean taking chances anyhow. There must always be at least an indication that the chance we take gets the best probability of success. The latter is the heart of trust, because it is not enough to take chances, you have to have trust.

Thus, trust is measured by an initiative to combat uncertainty. This means that to develop true trust, it is that it takes an initiative with something. And this is where the endless plays a role in having something to build trust. Even if something is unclear, it is a feeling. Trust is the feeling, which gives this feeling is a presentiment. The presentiment is blurred because it is endless. But with the trust reposed in it, we learn to use what is blurred.

Thus, trust should not be measured by the level of knowledge. Should we trust the one who has more knowledge or to ourselves, our presentiments? At first, this represents a small strength, but you learn to build your presentiments, to forge something that was blurred into something concrete.

The influence:

Influence is gained by dominant ideas. It will take experience to be able to acquire a number of dominant ideas. And as explained in section 5 below on "excess", you will understand that we should not reject the dominant ideas, but to use it in one way or another.

The concentration:

We talked about concentration in Section 3. We said that small strengths must become more concentrated.

To get there, you need hope for your small strengths, create enrichment not by knowledge, but by the practice of these strengths so precisely that they do not become overwhelmed by the knowledge that surrounds us.

The concentration is cultivated originality in the performance of our strengths and they become non-compliant to the knowledge. It is also taking of influence. To become an influential being you must conceptualize your own talent for it becomes greater than the general knowledge. So you also acquire influence while concentrating your strengths.

The intuition:

As said in the trust, we start with something blurred that becomes concrete. So we start somewhere. Explained why in the next section "The excess".

But intuition, as it is blur, at least we have at least one element of good sense. Sense is sufficient to constitute the rest.

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5. The excess

The excess is the main driving force behind advancements of the individual. The excess is used in society by all individuals. It's not that make excess are wrong, it is an art to make good excess. To make excess on not sufficiently solid foundation creates a failure, but to make excess and enrich the same time the foundation with a portion of the excess, it creates a winning combination.

The first quest to create excess is the initiative. Cannot generate initiative if you skip steps, and we cannot refrain from skip steps if you're too slow. To get to be fast, avoid checking as if it would never be wrong. The initiative is taken when suddenly we stop to check. Take an initiative is worth than checking, it's worth the experience!

Any flows from the initiative now to create excess. It is better to excess so that we have the right values, that do just enough and that everything is correct and verified.

We will use some special techniques to create excess that is advantageous. The first technique is to reconstruct. The second is to create rules that cannot be summarized, because in reality the rules summarized are not part the endless. The third is to assemble. Thus, from these 3 techniques, you create excess. We will now describe these 3 techniques.


When it comes to reconstitute, we do it after taking an initiative and we have omitted elements. The reconstitution is not a correction, it is an advancement. After initiating something, it's not that we omit elements by mistake is that we start somewhere (first step) and then we complete.

Non-resumable rule:

A rule that cannot be summarized is an integrated rule. The integrated rule differs in that it absorbs. Normally, a rule applies, but not integrated rule. The integrated rule is absorbed by the mere fact that the first element of the initiative is a way of absorbing the other missing elements that complete as the reconstitution (in the previous section "Reconstitute") indicates.

However, the context of absorption has no end, it is endless, but we apply natural limits by the fact that we do not put everything on the same element: we must vary.

Therefore the integrated rule cannot be summarized because in reality we need to reconstitute all the elements to create the absorption strength. The absorption strength in a conversation for example is the possibility that we can continually add items to the conversation.

But the integrated rule is not only integrated by the fact that absorbs, it protects the elements together. The protection aspect should be included when an integrated rule is constructed. Thus, the integrated rule does not allow the removal of an item, so this is how a master should behave, it should not make concessions with the elements reconstituted. So when we summarize, we remove elements considered less important. But in an integrated rule, we do not summarize, we make no concession. A Master must learn to be creative in the sense that it must deal with what he is.

When we develop the strength of the Masters, we make the effort to always preserve the small strengths as to maintain concentration as explaining in Section 3 of this document. Small forces are often the most attacked, people will want you to believe that a concession is required, but is it not true that the true nature of being is he wants to be disturbed as little as possible by the other, which means that there is always a struggle to try to force the other to make concessions.

Make concessions means to move towards a less rich way, less dense and less strong. The secret of the strength of the Masters is to always support our strengths together with others and continue in this direction.


This technique is the key to the success of other techniques. It is to assemble, but not assemble elements that are part of the same integrated rule, assemble rather the end with the endless.

To protect elements initiated by the initiative, we said that we do not concession: it is the force endless as we keep alive a force always want to preserve something. The end is what bothers.

If we want to assemble the integrated rule (force endless) with the end, it is not with the concession since we remove the aspect endless. We assemble with the stakes. The stake is used thus to assemble. The stake of making a mistake if we persevere in this direction. Thus complete the 3 techniques. Success with the stake is to give more importance to what we are protecting from the elements resulting from the initiative. So with the issue, it is not that we sometimes make concessions is that we decided to give more importance to what bothers. Thus, we maintain the strength endless and at the same time we assemble with the bother: this is an assembly.

Well understand what has been said. To assemble, it takes at least two elements naturally. Trooping is to preserve the elements that bother with the terms of inconvenience. So we have better than a balance, we have a dominant force. And this is the principle of creating excess, to get there, he must have domination. Thus there is excess when there is domination, since the fact that an element dominates means that it is surplus.

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6. Conclusion

The strength of the Masters is still a mystery, but at least we have gained by reading this document an overview of the different roles played by the circle (the envelope - the perception from the outside) and round (inside). This book was intended to present a theoretical design of strengths, and you will retain an imprint of knowledge on perceived between the exterior and interior differences.

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