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The original grades

Original grades
The original grades
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Updated: 2013-04-25

Created: 2013-04-25

Type: Document

1. Introduction

The efforts that have brought civilization to the pinnacle of their intellectual level were gradually taken over millennia, which has brought the species to pass strata in their evolution, not a continuous development since the case when the species reaches ease tries to get the maximum benefit, leading the author to talk about the original grades are there to push the species to go beyond his comfort level. No need to ask why we need to push the level of ease, wisdom is a form of intelligence that recognizes ease. And we could also explain why the best recipe for growing ease is not defined in this document; it is you who will be trying to develop your own intellectual with wisdom which you will be presented by knowing that you taste to achieve a higher level of ease.

Grades are somehow measures that allow us to measure our intellect. The mistake most frequently observed is that we all believe as smart as each other thinking that intelligence is innate. If we did not have parents, life would have been instinctive somehow otherwise intelligence would not have as much space as instinct. But given that intelligence was not a gift of nature, we will use the phrase "original grade" to describe what made humans to develop his intelligence and see that "original grade" we will deepen our needs intelligence.

As we know, the intelligence needs are different from one being to another, and therefore, we cannot deny that there should have more qualified tools in our society to encourage us to make the right choices about what we want to put forward to achieve a better understanding.

We will see the original grades and from there you will be able to opt to have a good choice in these helpful tools in your memory. Because the goal is to enrich your wisdom without decide for yourself which can make you wiser.

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2. Tools evolve

In our world, we cannot deny that the tools gave us a push to do better. But the most important point is that the main tool is our wisdom and intelligence. Wisdom therefore needs to be redesigned so that we can sometimes evolve.

First, we will present tools for wisdom. Tools and wisdom are the first original grades that we discussed.

Tool 1 – The experimental pyramid of wisdom:

This pyramid retakes the idea of Maslow1, but we are not going to associate it to needs, but different original grades in which an individual goes to evolve its ease level.

The first stage of the pyramid is the philosophy state of an individual. Where the individual see there is a rupture between his personality and the outside world. It is more than awareness, it is a state of isolation. So at the beginning of the pyramid, we have the isolation.

The second stage of the pyramid is the state of our mental seeking points of comparison in the world. It is in this state that we seek our place in the outside world knowing what we are in the depths of ourselves. In most cases, we are inclined at this stage to find the causes that could help us build our place in society. Thus this stage helps us to make choice more remote of our state of mind, that is to say, look ultimately the cause of what we are and what might lead us in one direction.

The third stage of the pyramid and the last one is a form of addiction. As culture teaches us, we get donations (abilities) to understand what surrounds us and what is happening around us. These gifts are what make us so different from each other.

Figure 1 – Experimental Pyramid of wisdom

Figure 1 – Experimental Pyramid of wisdom

The experimental pyramid of wisdom says that our personality forms donations end. This encourages the individual to develop its "me" inside that it can externalize his personality at ease. What we learn from this tool, it is how the development of personality. Because in the end, everything that grows must have a purpose in itself knowing that this goal is useful. And for which this tool is essential for the development of wisdom is that it refers to a positive attitude that the individual must have on itself and not as a rejection of a state of mind.

So to finish with this tool, let us know that the individual has donations from his personality and he must learn to develop them. Change is therefore not the best way to increase his wisdom, but rather, we must value what we are by following grades of experimental pyramid of wisdom.

If we focus on what we are, we get to know us, and why not discover new donation. The individual make choices that will enable to discover him. To live with his personality, he must learn to know it better.

Tool 2 – Measurement of personal investment:

The most common question that a person asks is "Have I done enough". This is a Mathiaser of a lack of a valuable tool that is this: the measure of personal investment. This measure consists of elements that allow us to understand where we are with our current rank.

A grade is composed of the initiation phase in which we collect data, then comes the construction phase where we are trying to build an analysis with these data, then comes the validation phase where we test what we just built, then the use phase in which we are committed to using our personal work, and then comes the final phase where we spread this thing that we own.

But let's see how we can measure enough each action we take. We gathered enough data? Etc. A wise man does not become wise because he has accumulated a lot of knowledge. A wise man is wise by the quality of the knowledge he has accumulated. Here's how we measure: the quality.

The quality assessment is what will allow us to know if we need to move to another phase. Although the quality is subjective because everything does not necessarily represent the same thing in the eyes of everyone, there are still general indexes that allow us to know well the real quality of something.

The first index is the standard. In standard, we can see a way to make it portable wisdom. The great sages know how to approach people. When people recognize the potential of something, they eventually adopt.

The second index is accessibility. If something is not available, no one will be tempted to tame. And wisdom must be accessible by the ease of being understood by a person of average intelligence level. It is certain that it is not everything that can be easily understood, but at least if people have the tools at their disposal to get there, then these tools facilitate the understanding of a topic wise.

Of course there are plenty of other ways of knowing the quality of something ... it's up to you to decide how you are going to measure quality.

1 Abraham Maslow (1908-1970) was created in 1943 the theory of motivation.

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3. Abstinence

Use by sages around the world ... it goes several disciplines of abstinence simple to complex. But we are changing with our skills or we simply use recipes that are sometimes barbaric discipline, sometimes unfair to some people. Abstinence will be discussed here so that we can highlight the disciplines wise and whether they really suit us.

The second original grade (after tools) is a very subjective topic and it will be up to you to decide whether these choices are right for you. Maybe you are not ready to become wiser than you are now.

This grade is a way to enrich your life discipline. What if you were not disciplined enough? You could not evolve! To evolve, the being enriched by discipline that allows it to hold the road. At some point in your development in your life, you probably would have felt one step in your life that you now follow a new discipline has enriched your life perception.

Abstinence is a way to deprive an attitude. It is easy to exalt and expand our behavior. The best way to lose control is becoming excessive. The reverse will enrich control with abstinence. It is not required to always want to abstain, for which it is advisable to constantly review the efforts we take to better manage our disciplines of life. In a perpetual effort to maintain harmony with what we feel and do not cut our feelings to raise the level of discipline, otherwise it would be superficial.

The wisest of this world are those who just are most often listen to their feelings. A discipline is good only if we feel motivation. Discipline does not mean sinking to suffer discomfort or reject happiness. An "iron discipline" should reflect what we are inside of us. For which this document has taught you in the previous section to enrich your personality because it is what will allow us to be comfortable with the discipline that we do.

Remember that efforts invested in a discipline are a form of abstinence to put efforts elsewhere... And this is the main form of abstinence in which it is encouraged to follow: either you put in something abstaining from something other.

The choice may be simple, but only experience can actually reveal the true nature of what we are inside.

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4. The condition

The condition is the state of our environment that affects us face to our projects, ideas, etc. The condition can sometimes be overlooked. But sometimes it is possible to combat this condition and do not get carried away by the forces that govern our environment. The image of fighting as we can conceive is what we want to be inside us. But the wise men know that the real force is that we already have and not what we intend to become.

Some say to use your own forces, but it is also true that we can act in community. The strength of a community is what creates the condition. The community is not always easy to reach, because we are limited. But basically, do not be what you are. If you want to join the community so that it anticipates changes in the condition, rather be a new model.

It is easy to want to convince seeking, except that this movement does not move the condition, as it joins some inspiring sharing your ideas. Simply for the condition will be under your influence, aspire to create arguments that seek to utilize the forces of others. To be wise, we must learn to encourage one and other to bring its own in the Community to create a change of condition.

The society seeks to use templates. As we are not always the best model, it becomes difficult to influence a mass of people. The use of models in society is an obstacle for many things. We believe that we would not be wise if we do not adopt the model of wise perceived by society. Another obstacle (a model) that you are hurting yourself. Be what you want to be, you do not need to be a model. This is also the condition that wants you look like as others in society. The awarded less, is also one that is more immune to the generalities that circulate here and there. If you are less solicited, you have the chance to meditate inside you and enrich your own model person.

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5. Eliminate suffering

The first element that age is suffering. In life, we need to eliminate this suffering to prevent premature aging. Aging here also means to psychological and mental sense, more than physical. The aging of our psychological side is probably caused by suffering.

Suffering cannot be removed easily, we remain all marked by the suffering, and by this fact, if we remain disproportionately marked, we age. Good tender heart of our childhood is what we will find in this section of this document. So we'll move on to the fourth and last original grade. As the word "original" suggests, this is a step here that in fact in our childhood we have not learned to keep our tender heart and we lost it somehow because of the suffering.

The essential trick to restore or preserve his tender heart is the elimination of suffering. Our suffering will say it makes us stronger, as the old proverb says, "what does not kill us makes us stronger." We are wrong. In fact, this is true for viruses, but the tenderness and sweetness is not robust. Thus, suffering is our haunting. Our haunting face circumstances makes us more feverish. Thus, in reality, suffering is fear.

The best remedy to eliminate suffering (fear) is to develop agility. This agility makes us more confident with ourselves and therefore it eliminates fear. We cannot be ace in anything, but if our fear remains, we age, so let us remember this tender heart of childhood fear was absent and so you were adventurous. Now, there is no question of playing the innocent, but rather to focus in its field of competence. Thus, we certainly limit, but sometimes doing too much that we fail and fear comes back.

The original grade is to help you achieve eliminate suffering by teaching you to respond as follows: decide to do less in the fields of skills that you lack agility or develop agility that you lack.

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6. Conclusion

The original grades are intended to teach a person to choose a peaceful way, through meditation (reflection), to give you good tips to develop your wisdom.

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